Friday, June 6, 2008

Recycling Awareness

We did this project in about two weeks time and I can say that I learned a lot from it. I didn't care much about the environment like many people my age but I've learned that if we recycle the world would be a much cleaner place. I also learned that the items that I throw away could be recycled. I saw how much people litter at school and I feel that the school wouldn't look half as bad if we just didn't litter. I didn't even know. what compost was before we started and now I know that its an organic substitute for fertilizer and that it has no pesticides. I didn't care about recycling and thought it was mostly turning in cans and bottles for money like my family does sometimes. I now recycle and try not to litter as much as I can and it has changed my perspective of how I see the world . I could recycle boxes instead of throwing them away and I can also recycle the food scraps so that it can be made into compost. This project really helped me get into recycling and through public awareness I believe that the public can get into the recycling habit too. The main thing that we are seeking to do is get our students here at Tennyson High School aware of the problems with not recycling and try to influence them to start recycling. So whoever reads this remember when you recycle we all benefit and yes that means you too.

4r's at Home

I practice the 4R's at home in many ways. Some of the ways being putting all cans in one bin and the plastics in another bin and lastly. Although, these aren't the only ways of practicing the 4Rs. The ones I listed above are just of the few ways I practice the 4Rs at home. I can tell you by experience that by recycling you benefit because if you recycle your plastic bottles and cans like ii do you can take them to a place where they take all your cans and plastic bottles and they will pay you to take it from you. Recycling benefits you and the world and I'm proud to say that i recycle.

Welcome To Tennyson High

The purpose of this blog is to catch the attention of people and raise awareness about recycling. At Tennyson High we are trying to make the world a better place by recycling. It may seem like it doesn't make a difference, but it does. Millions of waste is being put out in the sea every year and its not all waste some Things that could be reused are being dumped into the sea. We came up with a word SLWRP which stands for Student Learning Waste Reduction Program. This program teaches us what to do with our waste that way we may can help out in our own community and by doing that we are helping the world. The 4r's stand for Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Rot. These are the 4r's that we are trying to practice every day here at Tennyson High School. If we Reduce we will have less things contaminating Earth. Reuse will help people save money and be able to have things they wanted for a cheaper price. If we recycle then we can keep millions of pounds of waste out of the sea. If we let things rot we can put them into the ground and use as soul or let the small animals in the ground eat them as dinner.