Thursday, May 22, 2008

Davis st. Transfer Center

This Special Facility is concentrated on the best way to do the 4rs recycle, reuse, rot, and reduce. This is just like the 4rs we are trying to establish here in Tennyson High School. The Transfer Center that we visited was made out of the Dump." The whole idea was that everything can be used for many different things not just thrown away'' thats what our tour guide told us. This Facility taught us how in the past trash was just trash nothing was recycled everything just went to the same place. Until they made a research, people didn't even know where there trash was going and then they found out that it was dumped in to the ocean and put in the ground. After people knew where there trash went they changed it and 75% of that trash was recycled. This was a very good way to better the environment.

Now in our Century, we have better recycling methods and its a good way to make money, like the picture that has two bails in it each one weighs a ton and is worth about 2,000 dollars each.

If you look at this picture maybe you would just see a big pile of trash but when i went to the Davis st. Transfer Center i saw huge piles of recycle. the trucks drop off everything here and then another truck takes it to conveyor belts and while it goes down the recyclables are separated.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Waste Audit

During this activity the class was divided into groups and given a bag of trash to sort through. They sorted the trash in the different categories which they can be recycled in.

The trash was laid out on a tarp and the groups had to sort through it and place it in different piles and then put them in the different containers. Each container had a specific recycle it would hold like glass, paper, plastic, etc.

The different piles were sorted and weighed to see how much of the weight was made by the different recycling contents. The total weight of the bag was 7 pounds before the sorting. The most recycle material we found was paper weighing in at over 4 pounds.

There is a lot of trash thrown away everyday. Many of the things that are thrown away can be recycled and reused like the left over food can be maid into compost to help plants grow and the paper and plastic can also be reused. Trash in the classrooms can be reduced by using less of the materials or by reusing some of the items that can be reused like paper. Computers are good t have as well because your work is done on the computer and thats saving paper which is the most recyclable item thrown in the garbage.